Cincinnati Press Brakes

Seems like most every fabrication shop has a Cincinnati Press Brake... Or five. These are solid machines built to last. Because this manufacturer has been making Press Brakes for so long, there are a huge variations in the types of back gauges they employ.

One of the main issues of back gauge service on the Cincinnati press brakes is access. Often these machines are placed very close to a wall, making safe service challenging.

Many of the larger Cincinnati Brakes are built into a pit. Adding different issues into servicing the back gauge. When contacting us regarding back gauge service, please note how much space is behind the machine. Also, is there crane access back there?

One of the twin X-Axis Cincinnati Press Brake ball screw types are the Western Electric Split Nut with a Spring Ring preload system. This design was also manufactured by Thompson. It's actually not to unusual to find one ballscrew of each manufacture in the same machines. These screws are rather difficult to adjust properly, let alone rebuild. Should the screws require removal from the machine, be sure to order addition end bearings and end nuts. They are often difficult to get out intact when trying to pull the screws.

One of the twin X-Axis Cincinnati Press Brake ball screw types are the Western Electric or Thompson Split Nut with a Spring Ring preload system. We have often found that the specialty alignment parts positioning the spring washers become worn over time. This complicates setting the proper preload when refurbishing the X-Axis of your back gauge.

The condition of your Linear Bearing Inserts on either side of the back gauge are critical for proper X-Axis function. Often we have found that the Linear Way Sliders are clogged or not properly lubricated. This causes the Dual X-Axis ball screw drive system to push and pull your back gauge with uneven amounts of force. Creating accelerated wear on only half of your machine. In back gauge service, confirming your linear bearing slide systems are clean, smooth, and sliding easily is standard service.

One of the simpler 5-Axis back gauges found on the Cincinnati Press Brakes. This one has exceptionally small diameter ball screws, which can experience looseness readily when left dirty and unlubricated.

Another 5-Axis Cincinnati Back Gauge. Notice the lack of covers on the ball screws. Over years of service, these become coated with dust and small particle factory debris. This in turn wears out the bearings in the motion system. These screws can be rebuilt and refurbished with oversized bearings, matching raceway and screw track wear. Giving you like new performance without the cost or equipment downtime.

X-Axis Back Gauge Ball Screw with Linear Way Rail on a 5-Axis Cincinnati Back Gauge. While the exposure and lack of covers does make easy for dust and grit to accumulate, it also makes it easy to clean and inspect.